Shape magazine provides women with the latest information about diet, fitness, healthy living, and beauty products. Done successfully in the advertisement for Hydroxycut, “America’s number one selling weight loss supplement.” The company conveys a message about the products high selling rate that immediately strikes the interest of its target audience, women of any age that are not satisfied with their weight. This is not only for woman, but men who are having the same problem as well. Men have become more obsessed with their looks just women when it comes to their looks. In “Male Body Image in America,” Luciano argues that men are becoming more feminine because of their looks “We are clearly witnessing the evolution of an obsession with body image, especially among middle class me, and a corresponding male appropriation of, in the words of feminist.” She argues that men are not men, because they are starting to care more about their looks just as women do With that in mind, what would women find appealing or even worth buying in a advertisement for weight-loss?
This increasing trend of cosmetic surgeries in America attribute to media and famous public figures who promote cosmetic surgery as corrective surgery. Teenagers believe that their appearance has to be flawless, similar with celebrities as a result about 326,000 teenagers had plastic surgery in 2004. The author suggests that it’s the parent’s responsibility to teach their children about the damages of cosmetic surgery, also parents should not support their children by paying the bills for unnecessary plastic surgery. Teenagers are not well informed about the damages of cosmetic surgeries consequently they put their lives are at high risk. Teenagers only focus on the cosmetic aspect of the procedures they desire, and forget that it is actually a surgery.
This may tie into the fact that the whole page, behind the wording, is a picture of a celebrity with long and shiny hair. Healthier hair is also suggested by bold wording which explains the healthy shine featured on the bottom of the page. The ad also proposes that women’s hair will be longer and stronger from medium sized words that are placed near the bottom quarter of the page. Another asterisk is shown, which may take the audience back to the bottom left corner to find that
Elegant Mascara Your own personal guide to the latest fashion trends, outfit ideas, hair + makeup how-tos, and celebrity scoop can be found in Glamour. This magazine gives you many striking feminine advertisements from perfume, dieting pills, to shoes and mascara. Covergirl and Maybelline are top selling cosmetic to women with fashion. In this case Covergirl advertisement has proven they are worth buying over Maybelline advertisement. The charismatic Covergirl mascara advertisement is impressive in capturing the attention of young fashionable females than the reliable Maybelline mascara advertisement because of its elegant color, memorable slogan, and images of beauty.
HYDROXYCUT AND THE EFFECTS OF DIET PILLS The world we live in today has impacted us in every way imaginable. How we think, the music we listen to, and even the way we look have all become less about our own personal individuality and more of a reflection of what we perceive to be desirable to the eye of society. Open nearly any magazine, watch any television station and you will realize that the media has drilled that thin and physically fit is more desirable into our subconscious. The result of this is people are now willing to go to unbelievable measures to transform themselves to become the media’s stereotypical image of an attractive person. One of the most popular methods of transformation is diet pills.
Timothy McQuillar Eng 095 Professor Zweig In the passage “Is Cosmestic Surgery Worth The Risk?” the author Rebbeca Ganzak shares with us about teenagers who use plastic surgery to feel self conscious themselves. Why is it becoming such a trend that teenagers use? Gonzak, explains how our youth both boys and girls under 18 dislike their bodies. 3,500 girls under the age of 18 received breast implants. Are celebrities promoting plastic surgery unknowingly?
in store fashion Chain store Fashion for teenagers Chain stores have intensely transformed the way teenagers shop, they have swiftly increased over the years. Teenagers are particularly drawn to chain stores as they offer up to date fashion items, but for a small fraction of the price. However on the other hand, as excellent as chain store fashion sounds, they have had a repulsive impact on a diversity of different things, including teens themselves. This essay will however create many arguments to maintain the statement that the rise in Chain store fashion for teenagers has had a negative impact upon the wellbeing of individuals (mainly teenagers), and families. This statement will be proved by exploring the issues of: the culture of materialism, the conditions in sweat shops, financial impact and the Environmental impact.
With everything that different substances can do for an athlete, the overall objective is to increase one's physical performance. Along the same lines, the overall result is deadly. Performance enhancers give you wonderful looking ads, lean legs, and tough muscles. Women who choose to take performance enhancers are in for a big change when it comes to their appearance. Immediate results may be rewarding, but later most women will begin to grow facial hair.
It is irrefutable that the action and behavior of celebrities have more good or bad effect on people especially on youth. Celebrities are increasingly becoming role models for the youth as their images and lifestyles are splashed across televisions, movies, magazines, and internet in today’s era of technology. I strongly believe this is largely a negative development. A Number of arguments surround my opinion. To begin with, media is always trying to make these celebrities more and more famous by portraying their images as they are super hero and what they are doing is right.
Also if you think it the average height and weight of a model is 5'10 and 110 pounds and the average height and weight of a person is 5,4 and 145 pounds, so it is extremely easy to see how this creates a big health risk for young teenagers. The media make people believe that the key to success is being beautiful on the outside not so much the inside. It is disgusting how many people pay thousands of dollars to get plastic surgery. The media trick people in to believing that models have the perfect body, and many people are willing to trade their health to fit in to a size 0 pair of jeans. So it is easy to see that this makes diseases like bulimia and anorexia very common for teenagers.