The Importance Of Having Breakfast

328 Words2 Pages
THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING BREAKFAST Breakfast (literally meaning breaking the fast of the night) is the first meal taken after rising from a night’s sleep, most often eaten in the early mornings. Nowadays, most people skip their breakfast. Breakfast is actualy the most important meal. In the morning, after many hours without food, it is essential to refuel in order to provide the necessary nutrients and energy to get us through the first part of the day. Having breakfast in the mornings will help us concentrate better in our work. When we concentrate better, it will be easier for us to pay attention in class and understand the lesson. Studies have proven that students who eat breakfast do better than those who don’t. Furthermore, breakfast actually helps in losing weight. Eating breakfast may reduce your hunger later in the day, which may make it easier to avoid overeating. When you skip breakfast, you may feel hungrier in the afternoon and eat more than enough. Many people skip breakfast to lose weight but skipping breakfast actually increases the risk of obesity. Breakfast also helps in fighting diseases. When you don’t eat breakfast, your body is vulnerable to all kinds of disease. A healthy breakfast will help your body fight againsts diseases that are harmful to you. Skipping breakfast can also affect your mood. It will make you feel tired, restless and irritable. It may take you longer to carry out tasks or you just might not feel up to anything mentally strenuous let alone physical. It is important to eat a healthy breakfast. Breakfast should include protein and plenty of fibre; the combination will help satisfy your hunger and will keep you feeling full until lunch time. The protein can come from low-fat meat, eggs, nuts or dairy products. High-fibre foods include fruits,
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