The Importance Of Fast Food

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I believe that the government could try and limit the fast food places, to decrease obesity and diabetes levels. In order to accomplish that we have to limit the amount of fast food restaurants we have in a city, if it's more farther away people won’t go as often. I believe this an efficient way to increase people’s food options into choosing and eating healthier food. The story “Tax it, and Subsidize Vegetables”, written by Mark Bittman, states his opinion that, industries should be taxing unhealthy foods such as; sodas, French fries and doughnuts. Bittman supports his claim by sourcing statistics of how much “soda” a American consumes annually. Furthermore, people think we should tax the bad foods so people won’t buy it as much, I believe…show more content…
I would agree that people shouldn’t eat unhealthy foods, but people do have the choice to choose to either eat healthy or unhealthy food. Statistics show that 14% of people eat healthy and currently 86% of food ads now seen by children are food high in sugar, fat, and sodium. By profiting as a society from the foods that are making us sick and using those funds to make us healthy, the United States would gain the same kind of prestige that they did by attacking smoking. People have the choice into what type of food to eat and the government can’t control that, the government can do a limited amount of things to help, but they can’t entirely change it, it’s what society has had become over the years. Also, people want what is fast and cheap, a lot of people don’t have time to go home and prepare or make food for their meal. But, they also have the choices they choose to eat for their meal, I believe if we try to persuade others by showing advertisements wherever we can, can change a person’s perspective on how bad food can really affect a human’s…show more content…
In grocery stores, most of the time the healthier food is more expensive, but that is why because it is natural and not commonly grown around that area, it comes either from a different state or country. Also, it is fresh produce, we have to put in an effort into making healthier choices when we go grocery shopping. According to, this cites the reasons why to eat healthier foods, good carbs for energy, fiber for proper digestion, protein for muscle health and also to receive vitamins and minerals. If people know the pros/cons of eating healthier or bad food then they’ll know what choices to make. The government keeps taking more taxes, raising prices on gas to build a high speed railway that they spent millions/billions of dollars on and are going into debt for reasons like

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