Don T Blame The Eater Who's To Blame Summary

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Madden 1 Harvey Madden Mrs. Crabtree English 101 Nov. 10th, 2012 Who’s to Blame? David Zinczenco, the editor-in-chief of Men’s Health Magazine wrote, “Don’t Blame the Eater.” In his reading he cites the irresponsible actions of fast food establishments, such as marketing to young kids, not providing nutritional facts completely, being responsible for obesity and poor health issues in many Americans today. This poses the question. Can they be held accountable? In all reality, maybe it is the lack of concern and the love of financial gain that these establishments thrive off of. Can we use them as our scapegoats for our own ignorance? The bottom line is that it is our own fault for our unhealthy eating habits and obese society. Our children are growing up larger due to the fact that we place ourselves in fast paced…show more content…
We could even lower the cost of health care in the future as well. Unhealthy eating habits contribute to health problems such as diabetes, Madden 3 Obesity and heart problems. The eating habits that cause these problems are our negligence in every way and we must control them at all costs. We have to hold ourselves accountable rather than blaming some fast food place and take control of our lives. We can’t sue Wal Mart for selling us an unlimited amount of chocolates, so why can we consider suing due to the fact that we have consumed too many calories from a meal we purchased at some fast food establishment? In the end it is our responsibility to be health conscious and to exercise our minds and bodies to maintain a healthier lifestyle for our children and us. We should think of the long-term affect it has on our families, along with ourselves. If we do this we can have a long and prosperous life with our

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