The Bluest Eyes

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“The Bluest Eyes” Topic Question: To what extent is Cholly to blame for his violence against his family? Which other people or circumstances may also be to blame? What is the novel’s position on blame? For the most part he is to blame for his violent acts towards his family. The way he comes home drunk to the core and can start a fight with his wife over nothing makes us wonders what kind of person he is and what has really gone on in his life. He makes the choice to become the blame when he comes home drunk. He is fully aware of how he could act while heavily intoxicated. Knowing this information he continues to come home intoxicated. At times he would come home perfectly normal and still cause a fight between him and his wife to where they are fist fighting and leaving cuts and bruises on each other. As you see alcohol doesn’t play a major role in his acts of violence. It’s just when he is intoxicated it can intensify his rage and anger. When you don’t have a major person in your life to help you shape your future it’s kind of hard to become something good. A prime example is Cholly. His circumstances while growing up at had an enormous effect on who is as an adult. It all started as an infant. He was abandoned by his parents on a junk heap. Although he was only an infant, just growing up and knowing that your parents put you on junk heap and left you there would tear you up on the inside. In addition, he didn’t have a significant male figure in his life to teach him how he should treat his family if he should have one. Every young male needs that in his life, just as a female needs a significant female figure in her life. He needs this male to tell teach him all that he had to learn. Without this guidance he didn’t have the slightest clue on how to treat his own family. When the day came that he finally met his father made it even worse. He didn’t expect his

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