"Master Harold"... and the Boys

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The Effects of Power In the play “Master Harold” …and the Boys, by Athol Fugard, power is used by many to manipulate others. Hally’s mother is dominant over Hally which eventually causes Hally to dominate Sam; however, power is less destructive between Sam and Willie, as Sam mentors him throughout the play. Power can be negotiated, changed, and can directly influence characters and the plot. Hally, the protagonist, is upset with his father’s drinking problem, so whenever he hears something about it, he gets very emotional. Hally’s father, an alcoholic, is an antagonist, suffering from an illness and a drinking problem. Another thing that makes Hally want to go ballistic, is when Hallys father is drunk, he will hit his mother. The father’s drinking problem has a very deleterious effect towards the family’s relationship. When his father is feeling bad, he uses alcohol as a palliative. Hally’s father is an onerous man, because he drinks instead of standing up and taking care of his responsibilities. All these problems at home leads to the very agonizing conversations that Hally and his mother have over the phone. Hally knows to be respectful to his mother, but he takes out his frustration on other people. He is a kind and caring person, but when the phone rings and Hally realizes it’s his mother, everything goes downhill. In the tearoom, at the table, Hally was having a nice conversation with Sam, and then the phone rang, and Sam goes up to get it. Sam. “St. Georges Park Tea Room…. Yes Madam… Hally, it’s your mom.” Hally. “Does she sound happy or unhappy?” Sam. “I couldn’t tell… She’s waiting, Hally.” Hally, hesitant to answer the phone, spoke unclearly. A little later in the conversation his mother asks him what he is doing, and he replies by saying that he is just doing his homework. Hally later asks, Hally. “What’s your news?” This is when Hally
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