While It Is Black Comedy, the Characters in ‘Cosi’ Are Ultimately Very Sad. Discuss.

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In Louis Nowras play ‘Cosi’ the characters involved appear to be divided between being both happy and sad. While they all have various illnesses and outlooks on life they are all brought together to perform the play ‘Cosi’ so that they may break free from the shells their illnesses have put them in and to give them the self-confidence they so desperately need. There are many factors which influence the characters ability to be happy or sad and there are a few that actually experience both these emotions. While Henry, Zac and Ruth appear to be ultimately very depressed because of the situations they were involved in in the past , Roy and the others experience both emotions because of their mental conditions and medication they receive. Those outside the asylum seem relatively happy while they are doing what they are passionate about, Nick and Lucy there fight against the Vietnam war, and Lewis directing ‘Cosi’. There are a number of characters that ultimately appear to be very depressed and unhappy throughout Nowras black comedy. Henry, Zac and Ruth are quite similar because the all appear to be sad because of the fact that they all have had horrible backgrounds. Because Henry is very secluded he is unable to speak about his problems and is then unable to be brought out of his shell and be happy. Through the help of Lewis and Cosi Henry is able to gain slightly more confidence and experience some happiness. Zacs inability to live without his drugs and constant highs means that he is only happy during these highs where reality can’t affect him. Therefore Zac is never truly happy and always quite depressed. As Ruth was imprisoned in her own home and locked in a cupboard by her former boyfriend she developed many mental issues such as OCD which made her struggle with comprehending what was real and was fake. Many of the patients that perform in Cosi are ultimately

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