Fly Away Peter by David Malouf

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English Prose -Commentary Fly away Peter – David Malouf The extract from “Fly Away Peter” by David Malouf takes place after Jim’s first airplane flight with Bert. The first bit of the context shows us how Jim felt after the flight, it gives us some of the insights on Jim’s thought. The second half of the extract describes a conversation between Jim’s father and him, talking about participating in the war and mentioned Jim’s changing point of view towards the war. In the first and second paragraph Malouf tells the reader how Jim felt when he was flying in the sky. Jim was viewing the world in a different point of view, instead of only using the normal perception to view the world, he thought of how the birds’ viewed and remembered the world. He was amused by how the birds were and this shows his love for the birds. The ability to view thing in the birds’ point of view also shows that he is very familiar with them. He also mentioned about finding the map is his own head is exactly the same as the real view from the plane. This further proves Jim’s familiarity with the land, hence, showing the love and the passion for this piece of land. The description of his thoughts broke and Jim’s father started to talk about Jim’s flying experience. He asked whether did Jim see any white feathers flying in the sky, telling Jim the birds are not there as the sky with soon be filled with war aircrafts. This is the first time that Jim’s father subtly tells Jim to join the war. This highlights the bitterness of Jim’s father as he is alcoholic and he couldn’t do anything to help with the war. Noted that the way of how the father talks also suggested he was drunk at the time. Words like “s’pose”, “an’”, “v’”, “’Arvey” show a slur articulation, further proving that he was drunk. Despites the fear of losing his son, Jim’s father further persuades his son to join the war in
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