Texting While Driving

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INTRODUCTION In today’s world people have become entirely dependent on their cell phones. They make living easier in many ways because of the helpful features and functions that assist with communication within a complex society. One of the features that have changed the way people communicate is the ability to send SMS (Short Message Service) messages better known as text messages. This trend of texting came around in late 90’s and has immensely advanced and compounded. SMS allows people to type messages and exchange them between mobile phones better known as texting. It’s fast and it’s easy. We respond to that buzz of our phones spontaneously and tune out of our surroundings. A large number of drivers don’t hesitate to both read and respond to test messages while driving. Unfortunately texting has also become a huge safety concern when it occurs while driving. Multiple cases have confirmed that texting while driving is becoming a rising problem across the nation. News articles show that crashes is happening far too frequently involving both teens and adults. It has reached the point where many states have banned text messaging while operating a vehicle. Why it is that texting is so hazardous? While driving a car, the driver’s attention span should be fully focused on the road and any dangers that they may encounter. Cell phone usage poses a threat to the safety of the operator, the car occupants, and the unfortunate victim. Texting is more dangerous and distracting than talking on the cell phone while driving (Robertson, 2009). While talking on a cell phone, a given user can still keep their eyes on the road and at least one hand free, where as text keeps the user’s eyes on and sometimes even both hands on the phone. People today think that texting someone else is fun and necessary. When a person is texting he or she has to look at his or her phone to make
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