Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students

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QUESTION | INITIAL THOUGHTS | FINAL THOUGHTS | 1- What influence does culture have on a student's school success? | -Culture has an influence on how students interact with their teacher, their peers, and everyone around them. Also, communication can be affected when a student is from another culture or another country. A student’s culture also may affect how they learn, if they are more stimulated by visual, auditory, or tactile methods of learning. | Culture can affect student’s school success in so many different ways. A student may not know or understand the social norms of the school or even the community. For example, the model talks about how you greet others. In America, we greet people with a handshake or a short hug. Where in other countries, they embrace and kiss, or even bow. Culture can also influence a student’s success based on how the teacher is teaching. A teacher may only teach from their cultural perspective, many without thinking about it. If you are a white-American whose ancestors came from a European country, you would not have to think much about your culture because it would be considered the cultural norm. If you moved here from Africa, however, you would think about your culture more because your cultural norms would typically not line up with the cultural norms of your school or community here in America. The teacher may give examples that the student does not understand. Teachers need to make sure that they learn about the cultures of his students. Teachers also need to be careful not to make assumptions or generalizations when learning about students’ cultures. It is also critical to make sure not to ignore the fact that there are differences. Do not be afraid to encourage the student to embrace their differences! | 2- How does linguistic diversity influence classroom performance? | -English may be a student’s second language.

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