Marketisation in Education

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Task: Outline some of the ways in which marketisation and selection policies may produce social class differences in educational achievement. Ever since Margaret Thatcher came to the power in the 80’s, has educational marketisation been a big part of the English school system. The school system was changed to do the following five: 1. Increase competition. 2. Give the customers a choice of products. 3. Regulate the school system. 4. ‘Bad’ product will be eliminated by the market. 5. Result: Greater efficiency. To achieve this, they let the parents choose the school for their children instead of just send them to the local schools. This was supposed to make the school crave for better results and make them compete. If the schools wanted to keep on having students, they now had to show good results, because no parents will send their children to a bad school. That means that the best schools can pick their students, obviously they choose the best ones. Some schools, like the grammar schools, require a good result on the 11+. This leads to cream skimming, but also off-loading of ‘bad’ students, that for example will refuse children with learning difficulties good education, because they are “those students who won’t do well anyways”. The top students often seem to be from the middle class. They don’t suffer from material or cultural deprivation and often use the elaborated code, which makes education easier for them. This makes the schools trying to appeal to the middle class parents, to make the middle class parents choose their school and help them get their own results better. The school markets themselves with glossy brochures, good previous results, school trips and other facilities such as swimming pools or football stadiums. All of this put together means that the teacher ends up with different expectations from students in different social
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