Stress of Our Life

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STRESS OF OUR LIFE Stress, or to be more accurate pressure, is an unavoidable part of everyday life, meaning different things to each of us. You only have to pick up a newspaper, read a magazine, watch television, listen to the radio or walk into any High Street bookshop and see the many books written on the subject of stress, to realise that we perceive it to be a big problem. Stress is much more recognized than it used to be, we have become very aware of the potential negative impact of stress on our health. Yet despite all of this information and wealth of knowledge, the subject of stress still remains vague and not very well understood. There are also many myths about stress that are not accurate and this further confuses the subject. There are many causes of stress in our life are job pressure, money worries and health concerns. First causes leading us become stress is job pressure. Those suffering from stress as a result of stress in the work, where they have to work overtime to complete the pending work. this constraint causes an individual is not able to manage time wisely. Besides that, workers are under pressure from their bosses to complete the work in time. this will cause employees to feel stressed when doing a job in a short time. Usually depressed workers can be seen through a physical reaction, for example, during work clothes unkempt, often annoyed by a colleague, and complain every time to make work. They have to think about their work and sometimes they have to struggle just because they have to submit their task on day. The second causes is, money worries. They will feel depressed when lack of money to support their own life because money is very important in our daily life nowadays. Factor of financial constraints caused by job loss, reduced retirement income, medical expenses or disasters serious challenges without easy
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