Stereotypes and Prejudice

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Holly Regan Ethics 125 Sarah Lange ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Associate Program Material Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet Please complete the following exercises, remembering that you are in an academic setting and should remain unbiased, considerate, and professional when completing this worksheet. Part I Select three of the identity categories below and name or describe at least 3 related stereotypes for each: * Race * Ethnicity * Religion * Gender * Sexual orientation * Age * Disability Category | Stereotype 1 | Stereotype 2 | Stereotype 3 | Race | All black people can dance | All Asians are really smart with math and technology | All Mexican men are adulterers | Gender | Women are meant to be barefoot and pregnant | Women aren’t smart enough to be President | Men don’t know how to sew | Sexual orientation | All lesbians are bull dikes | All gay men like to wear women’s clothes | All gay men talk with a lisp | Part II Answer each question in 50 to 100 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What are the positive aspects of stereotypes, if any? One positive aspect of a stereotype is that it allows us to be able to respond quickly to situations we have already been familiar with by way of experience. Another positive aspect of stereotyping is by means of persuasion. All in all, stereotyping is quite a negative way to convey an opinion or view of not an individual, but an entire group of the race or ethnicity in which you believe the individual belongs. What are the negative aspects of stereotypes? One negative aspect is that it makes us ignore differences between individuals; therefore, in other words, we make generalizations. “When you find a stereotype applied to
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