Stalinism, Facism, Nazism

402 Words2 Pages
After World War 1, new types of democracies began. Russia became Stalinism, Italy became Fascism, and Germany became Nazism. Stalinism, Fascism, and Nazism were strikingly similar and different in there impacts on the social life and social status of its citizens and their tenants and principles. The citizens and peasants under Stalinism lives did not improve because of Stalin. Because Stalin collectivized agriculture, many of the peasants resisted, giving up their land, burning crops, ruining equipment, and killing farm animals and livestock. Most of these 8 million peasants that revolted were kulaks (“better off peasant”) and were arrested. With the destruction of farm life, a famine swept through the country wiping out 5million people. Stalin’s 5 year plan lowered the economic well being of his citizens. Like Stalinism, Fascism citizens living standards were lowered, however Mussolini’s citizens were provided with social security, public services, and unemployment was at its lowest, as Mussolini crushed all opposing parties, took over the press, public education, and youth activities, and gave employers control over their workers. Nazi citizens, like Fascism, had its lowest level of unemployment. Nazi citizens living conditions were rising and were at an economic well being as Hitler’s government undertook massive public works projects, businesses manufactured weapons for the armed forces, and women were encourages to go back to the “children, church, and kitchen” releasing jobs for men. Tenants also portrayed similarities and differences between these democracy’s. The basic tenants of the NAZI Party were systematically taught as part of a carefully developed training program. The two basic principles were nationalism and racism. Nazism’s most popular tenant was a demand for national redemption. Nazi’s were also taught and believed the
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