To What Extent Does the First World War Explain the Outbreak of the Two Revolutions in 1917?

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To what extent does the First World War explain the outbreak of the two revolutions in 1917? Both revolutions in 1917 had at least some involvement from the first WW1, this came in many different forms which all ended up interlinking into the revolutions. The question is though, just how much of an impact did the First World War have in comparison to the other factors surrounding the two revolutions? The First World War itself did end up playing quite a large role in the build-up of the revolutions, especially in the first of the two. The World War brought up a huge range of different issues, which plummeted an already shaky country, into a desperate country. One such issue was the economic strains that the war put on the country. The urgent need for weapons and specialised equipment drove the Russian economy into overdrive, leaving the poorest Russians without food and with an inflation rate which rose around twice as fast as wages went up. The huge numbers of men armed by Russia also meant that industries all across Russian began to slow their production rapidly, most notably of all being agriculture. This meant trade to other countries went down bringing the economy to yet another low and this lack of agricultural workers meant a lack of food across Russia, especially in towns and cities where there was no easy access to farms; and as is with most things in demand, the prices went through the roof, leaving peasants starving on a mass scale. The only short term fix that was established for this whole issue, was a series of loans from Russia’s allies, Britain and France; these loans are especially important when it comes to the provisional government’s role in the second revolution in 1917. The other major issue that was gained from the World War is the amazing show of incompetence from Russian military leaders, most notably Nicholas II. This led to a decreasing
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