Decline And Fall Of The Romanov Dynasty

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The First World War had a major effect of the Russians attitude towards the Tsar but a minor contribution to the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty. The Romanov Dynasty was destroyed as a result of various disastrous incidents and major mistakes made by the Tsar Nicholas the || himself. The First World War played a role in his abdication, but to a minor extent as they agitated the citizens to rise against the Tsar. Indeed the first world war had fundamental impacts upon the decline and fall of the Romanov dynasty some of these being the plummeting economy, lack of exports, and inflation. However, a major contribution to the fall of the Romanov Dynasty was the views of the Tsar in regards to the war. When war was declared between germany and russia in August 1914, it seemed that the conflict would save the Romanov throne, not destroy it. At first it looked like a huge success, in the south the Austrians were pushed back in Galicia while in the north the germans were defeated at Gumbinnen. But then came the Germans response. At Tannenburg in August 1914 the Germans inflicted a heavy defeat on the Russians which resulted in masses of prisoners, stores, and guns taken off the Russians. The Tsar’s poor leadership skills throughout WW1led to increased prices, protests, food and fuel shortages, and outbreaks of disease. Also, as the peasants were rising up and seizing the land, many soldiers (who were mostly peasants) deserted the army. A revolution on land was occurring. This is said to be the Russians “voting with their feet”. This was important in the final revolution in 1917, which brought an end to the Romanov Dynasty. The Russian Revolution of 1917 centers around two primary events: the February Revolution and the October Revolution. The February Revolution, which removed Tsar Nicholas II from power, developed spontaneously out of a series of
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