How Far Was Nicholas Ii Responsible for the Fall of the Romanovs in 1917?

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The fall of the Romanovs in 1917 was caused by many factors for instance, the soldiers, workers, LiberaAYASHA IMRAN ls and the Duma, socialist groups, government ministers and army generals and the Tsar himself. The Tsar himself did carry out an important role in the fall of Romanov in 1917, due to his attitude to his people and how evil and stubborn he was. Furthermore tsars tactics used were a wrong choice; however there are other factors that caused the fall of the Romanov in 1917, which I am going to explain. Nicholas II himself and other factors performed a vital role in the fall of the Romanovs in 1917, but the armed forces and Tsar himself were more significant. The Tsar himself was responsible for the fall of the Romanovs in 1917, mostly due to how he was not suited to the role as the Tsar. This was due toAYASHA IMRAN and start a revolution. Nicholas II dissolved the Duma and introduced bread rationing which caused families at home to suffer and strikes and demonstration increased due to tsars rationing threats, working conditions and inflation. The Tsar did not do anything successful to stop these strikes or to stop the inflation. His tactics were wrong which caused himself the responsible for the fall of the Romanovs in 1917. The Tsar agreed to abdicate plus he abdicated his throne as Tsar and passed it to his brother Grand Duke Michael, who then refused to take the throne on 3rd March. This act caused Russia to cease a monarchy. After his abdicate the provisional government was introduced. However, Soldiers are one factor that may be responsible for the fall of the Romanovs in 1917, because their loyalty towards the Tsar was betrayed. On 25th of February Cossack troops refused to fire on the demonstrations in Petrograd and many guards did not follow orders. This was the first significant sign of the fall of the Romanovs in 1917. Moreover in the 1905
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