Sop M4 Weekly

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Student Handout 4 Extracted Material from Sample Format for a SOP | This student handout contains one page of extracted material from the following publication: | | Sample Format for a SOP | | None | Page SH-4-2 | | Disclaimer: The training developer developed this extracted material. The text may contain passive voice, misspellings, grammatical errors, etc., and may not be in compliance with the Army Writing Style Program. | DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WOMACK ARMY MEDICAL CENTER FORT BRAGG, NORTH CAROLINA 28310-5000 3th Platoon, B Co. M4 Weekly Carbine Maintenance. (Office File Symbol) SOP Number 001 Effective Date 04 December 2013 1. PURPOSE: Instructed soldiers on the proper way to the clearing, disassembling, cleaning, inspection for serviceability, lubricating and reassembling of the carbine. 2. APPLICABILITY: All assigned to 3th Platoon, B Co., WAMC 3. REFERENCES: Lubricate order (LO); STP 21–1–SMCT; TM 9–1005–319–10; and DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES: a. Platoon sergeant approves SOP and will ensure all soldiers assigned to 3th Platoon have read and been counsel on M4 Weekly Carbine Maintenance SOP. b. Squad lead will conduct monthly training on M4 maintenance SOP to include fill out DA Form 2404. c. All soldiers will be responsible for their assigned weapon and make sure weekly maintenance is done and complete three copies of DA Form 2404 for each M4 or M4A1 carbine. Turn in one copy to the armorer, one copy to the square leader and give a copy to your platoon sergeant. 4. PROCEDURES: a. All Weapons will be cleared in the clearing barrel (IAW with ARMY REGULATIONS) b. All weapons will be disassembled IAW

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