Dmv Persuasive Speech

692 Words3 Pages
Ok..... so you know you've been pumping gas, or getting your car serviced, or just out and about and someome says to you, "You know your tags are expired." You immediately begin screaming expletives and cringe at the mere thought of going to the DMV. You already have an image of long lines and unpleasant DMV employees, not to mention the fees and late charges. But, it doesn't have to be that way! I am going to give you the arsenal you need to stay on top of your vehicle's registration, tips on when to visit the DMV, and what you need to bring with you to ensure the smoothest transaction possible; and, in the end, hopefully change your perception of the DMV. The first thing you need to know that so many people fail to realize, is that you can renew your tags 3 whole months prior to the registration expiration date. That is a…show more content…
Working in the industry, it is unreal how many people are riding around with an expired insurance card! Fortunately, if you are at the DMV and find yourself in this predicament, you have the ability to contact your insurance provider and have it faxed directly to the facility. With that said, it is time consuming and will further delay your transaction from getting processed in a timely manner. Before you leave for the DMV, ensure you have your license, your vehicle registration card, and a valid insurance card. By law, the insurance card and registration card are to be carried in the vehicle at all times. Another great tip is to sign up for an email reminder and this can be done by accessing the division's website. An email will be sent to your inbox three times (one reminder a month while in the renewal time period). The email will provide a description of the vehicle, indicate that an inspection is due, and when the registration is due to expire. It's a great way to stay informed and to stay on top of your vehicle's

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