Should Texas Have Fixed Tuition in All Colleges and Universities?

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4 May 2013 Should Texas have fixed tuition in all colleges and universities? Introduction Education is a big part of today’s society because without proper education a person does not have the knowledge or know-how of how to preform the skills that are required in a job that they will have in the future. Nowadays, most college graduates get paid more and are more likely to get and keep a job compared to a high school graduate (Rampell). Although having a college degree is good to have because of job opportunities and better pay, there is a problem most people have in pursuing a college degree and that is tuition. Recently in Texas, there is some controversy about the cost of tuition when trying to pursue a higher education. While pursuing a college degree can be beneficial, it can also be difficult for a family to pay for at least one child to go to college. The tuition of college over the past years have dramatically increased to where a family sending one child to college can put them into some serious debt. Students and parents believe that having a fixed tuition rate will help and ease the pain of paying tuition. The University of Texas System Regents are working on having a four year fixed tuition plan that will help families pay for their children to get a higher education. The University of Texas System Regents believe that with the fixed tuition, it will help encourage students to graduate on time and provide some kind of help in pursuing a higher education. They believe that the fixed tuition rate should help families and students pay for their college degree. However, there are some critics and some economists who believe that having a fixed tuition rate cannot work because in the long run it will not benefit the families and that it will eventually fail. By doing research on the differences between fixed and regular tuition, to their understanding,

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