Shc 21 Essay

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1.1. Identify different reasons why people communicate. Reasons why people communicate: express needs; share ideas and information; to reassure; express feelings; build relationships; socialise; ask questions, share experiences 1.2. Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work. The impact of communication on own work: communication with others eg colleagues, people who use services, children; supports the development of effective relationships, helps to build trust; aids understanding of individuals’ needs; prevents misunderstandings; supports the development of own knowledge and skills 1.3. Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them. The importance of observing others’ reactions: verbal communication eg tone, pitch, silence; non verbal communication eg body language, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, touch; to understand emotional state; know if information has been understood; when and how to adjust communication method; recognising barriers to communication 2.1. Find out an individual’s communication and language needs, wishes and preferences. Communication and language needs of individuals: home language; preferred method; sensory difficulties; preferences based on eg beliefs, values, cultural variations, age, gender; additional learning needs; physical disabilities 2.3. How and when to seek advice about communication. Knowing when and how to seek advice: awareness of barriers; understanding own strengths and weaknesses relating to communication skills; support from colleagues; manager or supervisor; SENCO; specialists eg speech and language therapists, sign language specialists, occupational therapists 3.1. Identify barriers to communication. Barriers to communication: background and culture of individual; sensory impairment; dialect; use
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