Cypw Level 2 Shc 21

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CYPW Level 2 SHC 21: Introduction to communication in health, social care or children's and young people's settings Task 1 Links to learning outcomes 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. 1.1 - Identify the different reasons people communicate. We communicate for so many different reasons for example when we need to give or receive information, give or receive instructions, to discuss situations, express their needs, negotiate, develop learning,outline a concern and make a point these are all a very important way to communicate between children, young people and parents if we can't and don't do this it can strain relationships, cause confidence issues or make people feel there are barriers that can't be broken down. 1.2 - Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of your work. Effective communication can benefit your working role especially relationships between you and the children in your care or key children you or your colleagues and between you and parents. When communicating with children you need to be at their level and having eye contact is important. Its good to take time and allow time for the child to absorb what's said and maybe relay back to you what you have said, use open-ended questions to understand the point that being made, be open-minded and try to understand their point of view, use age-appropriate language maybe alongside pictorial communication or these can be used alone , be consistent and use positive body language, when talking ensure your showing respect for where you talk and the way you talk. When communicating with parents its so important that they feel you understand, listen, care about what they are saying and that they feel you value their child's development to ensure this you should have a range of effective communication methods like telephone,email,face to face and home communication books.
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