Sensation Seeker Essay

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Take a look at the material on sensation seeking on page 278. Do you consider yourself a sensation seeker? Why or why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your level of sensation seeking? You need to mention at least one of the four distinct factors characteristic of sensation seekers in your response to show your knowledge of this concept. I would say I am a sensation seeker because according to number four on the distinct factors of sensation seeking, I have a lower tolerance for sameness and repetition. I like to try new ways of doing things so it’s not so repetitive and gets bored easy. An advantage is that I am always seeking new ways to do things and it keeps my kids interested as well. The disadvantages are that some things require you to do things a certain way and I could get bored easily. How would you rate your own achievement motivation? Why? In what ways is this an advantage to you? In what ways is it a disadvantage? You need to mention a couple of the traits that are representative of people with a high need for achievement. I would rate my own achievement motivation as being high. I always want to excel in what I am doing, it can be something as simple as a board game, I want to win and be the best. I want to open a business so that we can have more family time, this will be a family business as well. I am very organized and creative and I think these values help me. I would consider this as an advantage because I strive to be the best person I can be and it shows my kids to go after what you dream of. Disadvantages with being this way is that I can be hardheaded sometimes, I think my plan would work better or that I get exhausted sometimes, lose my way and have to find it again. I love a challenge when doing a project or given a task and I enjoy competition with other because it keeps pushing me to excel. What did you learn about

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