Edc101 Unit 1 Assignment

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FACULTY OF EDUCATION BACHELOR OF EDUCATION EDC101 Assignment 1 (Individual) Student Name: Student Number: .............................................................................. ................................................ Lecturer: Ms K.J. de Mink Tutor: ……………………………… Due date: 28 February 2014 Assignment 1: (Due date: 28 Feb 2014) Discuss your personal motivations and expectations for making the choice of becoming a teacher in the 21st Century, and illustrate what value you could add to the teaching profession. (In your discussion you could include how your personal positive characteristics could contribute to the development of the learners in your class.) Criteria/Rubric: | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |…show more content…
Apart from the many other common reasons for becoming a teacher (“I feel a calling to teaching”; “it’s a chance to positively impact the community” and “children need good/better role models”), ultimately, I believe that teaching is one of the most rewarding professions, and that it will lead to a brighter future for myself, and my family. I’m certain people would perceive pedagogy as a career that would continually put someone through a tremendous amount of stress, and although this could be true, it is why people should be praised for deciding to pursue this profession. Teachers are responsible for shaping children, building their character, and helping them work towards their aspirations. In essence, teachers are the people who create the future. There is a current urgency for new teachers, and with these fresh and youthful minds being prepared to enter into the field we can expect a big change in the methods and techniques as well as new ideas being brought into the world of…show more content…
As an educator one has to separate external behavioral influences from work, if teachers allow something to upset them, they should not allow their emotions to influence the way they teach or treat students. When teachers involve themselves in the lives of every student, get to know them personally, and build trust with their students, teaching becomes easy and students understand and enjoy

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