Unit 3 Essay

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Unit 3 3.1 To establish a respectful and professional relationship with children and young people a LSA will need to: • Adapt the way they communicate for the age group they are working with. • Develop mutual respect. • Should show respect and interest in the children or young people they are working with by asking questions, listening to them without interrupting and speak to them in a positive and polite manner. • LSA should model the behaviour expected from pupils, for example listen when the teacher is speaking • Apply the behaviour policy fairly and consistently so that the children feel they are being treated fairly. • Call the children by their name, which shows they are valued. • Earn the children’s trust through being consistent and professional in the classroom. • Model effective communication. • Be firm but fair. • Don’t show any favouritism. 3.2.1 When developing a professional relationship with adults within a school it is important to: • Be polite and considerate and provide support to others. • Help teachers to prepare resources before class e.g. photocopying worksheets. • Help individuals who are unfamiliar with a classroom by showing them where resources are and give advice. • When working with others within the classroom it is good practice to give feedback and suggestions to teachers at the end of class. • Work cooperatively. • Approach and respond politely. • Be honest and trustworthy. • Have a sense of humour and respect. • Eye contact. • Effective communication. • Check that they understood instructions given to them. • Appropriate language. • Calling them by what they like to be called. 3.1.2 How I would adapt my behaviour if a child is in reception When
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