Leading Through Coaching Report

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Coaching Report Leading Through Coaching Report-Module 8 Rhondalyn J. Cornett Grand Canyon University-TCH 518 April 25, 2012 Leading Through Coaching When examining the real-world applications of collegial and peer coaching you see educators who are beginning to take control of their growth as an educator. In the past teachers depended on their administrator to tell them what they were doing correct and what they were doing incorrect in the classroom. The administrator would come in the classroom for 30-45 minutes observations looking for strengths and weakness, and not really understanding the dynamic of the classroom. The administrator will offer recommendations for the teacher, and give them strategies they will expect to see…show more content…
When a coach is in the picture, the educator can discuss these concerns or issues and meet with a coach and begin to develop a relationship where they can delve into solving some of these problems. The relationship with the coach offers the coachee the opportunity to self-reflect and to build a plan to address their concerns, and feel in charge of the destiny. With collegial coaching you have a chance of nonjudgmental conversational with an educational professional that emphasizes the collaborative development of instructional talents rather than the evaluation of teachers. It allows teachers a framework to discuss instructional methods and goals, highlighting the importance of reflection for professional growth and development (Dantonio, 2001). Collegial coaching can be a long-term relationship going from one issue to another. With peer coaching the teachers usually meet a couple times observe each other and discuss their findings. Peer…show more content…
One implication is there is a gradual increase of responsibility for the teacher. Through courageous conversations teachers are having with collegial coaches and their peers, teachers are taking charge of their classrooms, and not waiting for the administrator or mentor to give advice. Teachers are answering open-ended question from coaches and peers and making self-reflections that are having positive impacts in their classrooms. The second implication is the courageous conversations that the teachers are having in their buildings. Teachers are coming out of their classrooms and meeting with other teachers and sharing strategies, and asking questions that have other teachers thinking about how to have more successful classroom experiences. The final implication I think that it is having globally is that through coaching we will have retention of quality teachers. Through collegial and peer coaching teachers will find their voice in the classroom, understand what they what to accomplish and through self-reflection with a coach, teachers will begin to have an impact on their students in their
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