School Uniforms Essay

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Students should be required to wear uniforms in a catholic school. School uniforms are a certain dress code a catholic school follows. A school uniform consists of usually grey pants and a light coloured collared t-shirt for the males. For females, trousers or sometimes a skirt with a light collared shirt. School uniforms prevents bullying, increases school sprit, eliminates inappropriate clothing and increase school safety. Firstly, wearing uniform in a school increases school safety. Students wearing the uniform can be identified apart from people that do no attend the school. There might be students from other schools up to no good and can be identified with the uniform policy. Also, there might be a criminal roaming the school causing danger to students hiding amongst them. With the uniform policy you can single out those who do not belong. In addition, bullying takes place at a lot of schools. People are judged by the way they are dressed. Some students will pick on a student because they can’t afford the “trendy” clothing. Some may pick on a student because they don’t like what they are wearing. Having a uniform would solve this problem. Students would not judge other students and this would be a reason to eliminate bullying in schools. Also, uniforms show discipline and respect for the school and themselves. It shows pride in the school. Furthermore, wearing uniform saves a lot of money rather than buying different clothes for different days. Every body would be equal in the school community. In conclusion, school uniforms should be administered for schools. It eliminates buylling, increases safety in schools and more. It is better for the students, even if a lot would

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