Safe Guarding 10 Point Plan

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Safeguarding children in the workplace: 1. Know the settings policies and procedures: eg. safeguarding, child protection, whistle blowing and complaints. 2. Listen and respect: what the child or young person is saying and their point of view 3. Support and reassure: that they did the right thing in telling, how everyone wants the best outcome for them to be happy and safe. 4. Agree not to keep secrets / do not promise confidentiality 5. Clarify/repeat what has been said: without over questioning or using questions that lead. 6. Be aware of not condemning anyone, showing prejudice, bias or dismissing information. 7. Report to and consult with an appropriate person, internally or externally as a setting's procedures will guide eg. Manager, leader, supervisor, named safeguarding/child protection officer or coordinator. 8. Record events accurately: include name, address, date, places, times, exact words, who the disclosure was made to & when, who has named parental responsibility - 9. Know who has responsibility to share the concern of what the child disclosed with parents/carer. -- Where there is a suspicion of abuse, parents are informed at the same time as the report is made, unless this increases the risk of harm to the child or additional guidance has been given by the local safeguarding children board, whereby the investigating officers will contact and inform parents, feeding back to the setting within 48 hours of a referral letting the setting know what is happening. The setting continues to support both child and family. -- Where a child makes a disclosure of abuse a designated/named officer shares the concern with parents, makes informed decisions about the need for referral and explains how the procedures work for maintaining each child's confidential file - how all reports and records are kept & updated, the parent's right to access the

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