Rogerian, Toulmin, and Oral

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Larry Fitzpatrick 10/14/12 Section 5 Journal #6 Rogerian, Toulmin, and Oral A Rogerian argument usually begins with the writer exploring the common ground her or him shares with the audience. For instance, in an argument in favor of handgun registration, the writer might begin by stating his or her respect for individual rights, especially the right to self-defense and protection of one’s property. The writer might also show appreciation for sportsmen and collectors, who regard handguns as equipment for an activity to be valued. In exploring this common ground, the writer tries to state the audience’s side of the issue fairly and objectively, so that the audience realizes the writer is treating it with respect. In the body of a Rogerian argument, the writer gives an objective statement of her or his position, again trying to avoid loaded and attacking language and trying not to imply that this position is somehow better then audience’s position. Writer explains the contexts in which his or her position is valid and explores how they are different from the audience’s. the gun registration writer might note that gun collections are frequently target for thieves, and point out that registration might help the owners retrieve such stolen property before it is used to commit a crime. To conclude, the writer finally presents the thesis, usually phrased in such a way that shows the audience that the writer has made some concessions toward the audience’s positions. For instance, the gun registration writer might believe that this law should only apply to new sales of handguns, not to guns the audience already owns. By giving some ground, the writer invites the audience to believe as well as and hopefully to reach to an agreement about the issue. If the conclusion can show the audience how it will benefit from changing the writer’s position, you have an better

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