Gun Control and the Effects on Modern Society

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Gun Control and the Effect on Modern Society Abstract This paper will explore the positive and negative effects of gun control on modern American society. This paper will also provide a broad range of incidents in the past and present years where a carry concealed weapon permit (CCW) holder has greatly changed the outcome of possible mass shootings; as well as give an understanding of how the United States government is attempting to revoke the Second Amendment right. However, a fair approach will be given in order to provide a balanced interpretation on the subject of gun control. Administering the facts that will be provided will be given to enlighten the public on how the ownership of firearms is a right and tradition of American society. Premise Statement Society must understand that increasing gun control is not the answer to prevent mass shootings. Most shootings happen occur most often in establishments where citizens are likely to be unarmed such as schools, federal or state buildings and other various places where firearms are not permitted. A simple remedy to the situations is providing more lenient gun laws but requiring more training and firearm education to the common citizen. Educating and arming the American citizens is an excellent strategy to decreasing the crime rate and eliminating the probability of mass shootings across the nation by having a readily available peacekeeping citizen around every corner. Definitions 1. Gun Control: Regulation of the selling, owning, and use of firearms. 2. Mass Shootings: Gunman or Gunmen use single or multiple firearms to injure or cause death to many people in a single concentrated establishment. 3. Second Amendment: A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. 4. Carrying

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