Religious Belief Should Be a Matter of Choice - Not Parental Decision

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RELIGIOUS BELIEF SHOULD BE A MATTER OF CHOICE; SHOULD NOT PARENTS TEACH THEIR CHILDREN ABOUT RELIGION. My interpretation of this particular statement is that parents should be teaching their children about religion however, it is up to the parents and the religion they follow of whether they should teach their children about religion or not. Although to respect your parents is one of the Ten Commandments in Judaism, it may not always be done because of the relationship you have with them or sometimes you wish not to do what they have told you. This links to the choices and decisions of themselves and to learn to be independent for the real world. Some people think that when they are a certain age, the children will make their own decision of whether to be a theist, agnostic or atheist because at the end of it all they are living in this world independently and I think they have the right to make their own decisions and choices so they can, see where their own choices take them through life. Parents; now they can teach or not teach it’s entirely up to them because by respecting your parents, you will never disagree on what they say or also you will always listen to them but, by listening to them all the time and not having your say; doesn’t really help because you’re never going to learn and this is why I believe that being a theist should be a matter of choice and that parents don’t have to teach their children about the religion if they don’t want due to respect for yourself, your life, your choices and your decisions. A parent that loves their child and trusts their religion will want their child to follow that which the parent trusts to be correct. They have every right to teach it, but they also have the responsibility of teaching tolerance and open mindedness which if taught correctly, will allow the child the freedom and ability to choose their own

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