Double Standards in Religious Tolerance

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Double Standards in Religious Tolerance It seems to me that people today have forgotten that freedom of religion pertains to more than just what they happen to believe in. Almost every day I see some kind of “share this picture if you believe this religious figure died for you”, or “comment to send prayers to this sick child” on some sort of social media or website. If there is any difference of opinion in the discussion on the picture or story people get very upset, sometimes even threatening or violent. I have been looked down on for choosing to work on Sundays. I can remember several heated discussions on prayer in public school. One of this nation’s founding principles was freedom to practice and express your own personal beliefs, but it seems many people only believe that pertains to beliefs followed by the majority of the population. Social media has become a breeding ground for the type of double standard. Just the other day I saw a picture posted with the text, “Bibles are encouraged in jails but not allowed in schools. Maybe if we had them in schools there wouldn’t be the need for them in jail”. The message of course was that teaching the Bible in school would keep people out of jail. Personally, I wouldn’t want that being forced on my child, if I had any. I believe school isn’t a place for religion, which is something that children should be exposed to in the home, at the parent’s discretion. If I ever have children, I will expose them to a wide range of options and let them make their own decision once they are old enough to do so. I believe you should be allowed to practice your beliefs in school (on your own time, lunch break or what have you) but it should neither be encouraged or discouraged. Erik Martin 2 A few Sundays ago I was working away at my

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