Recruitment and Selection Plan

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Recruitment and Selection Plan Each organization, manager, and HR department has a different approach to recruiting and selecting employees for open positions. Most companies have developed an employee performance evaluation plan. As an employer it is good to always have a recruitment and selection plan in place. Having a plan can be the difference between hiring anybody and hiring the “right” candidate for the position. (Taboola) According to the articles recruitment plans go hand in hand with the selection process. A company can’t have one without the other. Recruitment plans are designed to aid employers to find the perfect fit by taking certain steps. Every good recruitment plan should entail a meeting to discuss what the company is looking for in a superior hire, who will conduct interviews as well as who be present, extremely descriptive job description, and placing the vacancy in an appropriate place. Recruitment plans will also include what steps will be included in making a decision for the job opening also known as the selection process. When putting your recruitment plan together do not simply look at the candidates resumes. Resumes can be professionally put together and not actually depict the individual. Similarly interviews can go smoothly but, they do not inform employers if the candidate will perform exceptionally reaching and exceeding goals. The selection process is the second step in finding the perfect employee. After the recruitment process is over the selection process begin. The selection process includes but is not limited to reviewing information on the candidates, personality, drug, and aptitude tests, interviews, and background check. Each step in the selection process brings the candidates a step closer to becoming the new hire. Each company has their own way of holding interviews for candidates. RJ Reynolds is a

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