P1 Event Portion Report

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Brandon Smith Professor: Brooksie Trout Eng 101-105 25 August 2013 P1 Event Portion I was always a good student throughout high school so it came as a big shock to my parents and a lot of close friends when they found out I had failed out of my first semester of college. I had everything I thought I had always wanted. I was attending college on scholarship for academics and a baseball. Every baseball players dream is to be able to play at the next level, and I was in fact doing that quite well. I had absolutely no drive in school though. I was stuck in required freshman classes that I had zero motivation to do well in and I had no clue what I even wanted to major in even though I had declared a biology major. I ended up just skipping…show more content…
That alone is an event that was life changing but the experiences that I have had with many patients have really changed who I am and opened my eyes to what I was meant to do. When I first started work I wasn’t really there because I loved my job, I was there for a paycheck. That’s never a good reason to be stuck in a job but that’s what I was doing. I’ve always been a very social person and I was in no way shape or form like the character Ben Stiller played in Happy Gilmore. I really get to know my patients and try and make them feel as comfortable as they can because nobody really wants to be stuck in the hospital. I’ve always been interested in going into the medical field but I didn’t really have a clue as of what I wanted to do. Some days work can be a living hell and other days it doesn’t seem like work at all. It’s an incredibly gratifying feeling to make a difference to somebody. I mostly see older patients in the hospital because I work on the orthopedics floor. About 75% of orthopedic patients are over the age of 68. Let’s face it, old people fall and break bones a lot more than younger in shape people do. A lot of people are there for optional surgeries too but those surgeries are knee or hip replacements. After working here for about a year one day one of my female coworkers came up to me and said, “You’re going to be a really awesome nurse.” I hadn’t thought much about going into nursing because I always thought of it as a feminine career path. I’ve looked into it extensively and there are so many options in the nursing field that it would literally take all day to explain them all. Here I am in school now. I finally know what I want to do with my life and I am motivated to reach my final goal. I’m going to be a nurse. I feel like I’m working towards something. Not that I wasn’t before but now every class, whether or not it has anything to do with nursing, feels like I’m one step

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