“Why College Education Is Important to Me”

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Topic: “Why college education is important to me” The wealth of knowledge acquired by an individual after studying particular subject matters or experiencing life lessons that provide an understanding of something. Education requires instruction of some sort from an individual or composed literature. The most common forms of education result from years of schooling that incorporates studies of a variety of subjects. (http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/education.html) Having a college education is the key to a successful in life. Life has changed for me in so many ways when making this decision. As a single mother I thought I would never have made it this far. Being the only daughter of my mother my two brothers graduated from college with honour and has good jobs. I had a young baby and did not complete my high school education. I see my friends getting good jobs and pursuing their education and I was a sixteen year old mother with nothing to look forward to. My life have change so much and my goal was to go back to school and complete my education. For the past three years my mother and brothers always encouraged me to continue where I left off. Finally one day I decided to reapply to a secondary school to complete in education. I try looking for a job first to take care of my daughter and pay for my finances but that wasn’t successful. I needed to have a high school degree and a few years’ experience. It was a few days before I contacted Student Services at a nearby school and enrolled immediately. My journey has just begun and I never knew the road to success could be so difficult. I had many sleepless nights and so many assignments I thought I would never finish. I finally obtain a high school degree and got a job as a sales clerk at a gift shop. All my life I’ve listen to my family telling me why it is very important to have a higher

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