Nursing As a Career

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Nursing as a Career Starting from when I was a little girl to becoming a mom I have encountered more than my share of healthcare professionals. The amount of healthcare professionals that you have to deal with on a daily basis when you or a loved one has a medical problem is an overabundance. Some of them are compassionate, caring and respectful. Others are rude, disrespectful and have no bed side manners. The people I have come across over the years have influenced the choices I have made in my profession and how I take upon that profession. This has made me the nurse I am today. One day in 3rd grade, I was about nine years old. I came home from school and showed my mom a bruise I had on my right wrist. The bruise had been there for a few days and was starting to bother me. My mother took me to the pediatrician’s office that sent us for x-rays. My mom received a phone call; this is a day we will never forget. The pediatrician states that I need to be seen up at children’s hospital in Boston by a specialist in Infectious disease. After months of testing and the doctors telling my mom I might have cancer, we finally got an answer. My diagnosis was called Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis (pediatrics 2005). This disease is something that is very rare childhood disease. After multiple surgeries, lots of medication and a whole year spent living at the hospital things had started to quiet down. Throughout all of this, I met so many compassionate nurses, doctors with great bedside manner and even laundry and maintenance people who would stop and say hi. Of course, we ran across a few specialists, nurses and doctors that we could have done without. The good outweighed the bad! My mother and I could not have made it through all this without the care and compassion of so many people. When I think back to when I was nine, I can remember the names of my doctors

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