New Battle of the Cowshed - Animal Farm

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It was war. Pandemonium broke out as the humans charged into the cowshed, each holding a long wooden stick, whilst Mr. Jones carried a rifle. They were going to recapture the farm. Snowball roared and led the animals into a charge. The humans faced the massive onslaught, hesitated, and went in for the kill. The humans lashed out ruthlessly with a stick, but the animals fought on. For a while, they were equally matched. The ducklings pecked wildly at the men, sending feathers flying everywhere. The sheep let out a mass bleat and butted Jones’ men from all directions. Boxer galloped rapidly towards Mr. Jones, neighing as speed gathered. Mr. Jones turned, saw danger advancing, loaded his gun, and shot- a bullet straight to Boxer’s chest. Time slowed down. Boxer ran for a while more, lost speed, staggered, and lay sprawled upon the dusty ground. Silence. Their greatest hero, fighter and worker had fallen. Snowball broke the silence with a terrible cry of immense rage and devastation. The animals, seeing the fall of their hero, fought harder than ever, from sadness and the desire for revenge. “Long Live Animal Farm!” Snowball pounced on Mr. Jones, knocking his rifle out of his hand with ease. Meanwhile, the cowardly Napoleon tried to sneak away from the chaos within the cowshed, only stopped by a rugged man, who spat, “you’re not goin’ anywhere!” Napoleon took to his heels and fled, with the man close behind, brandishing his long stick. The human invaders were desperate. The animals fought with renewed courage and determination due to Boxer’s death, but their stamina was giving way. A human, caught unawares by Benjamin’s hoofs, found himself pinned to the ground and trampled. Jessie and Bluebell flung themselves at the men’s pants, ripping them into shreds. Snowball fought hard, kicking and biting at all parts of Mr. Jones reachable, as Mr. Jones raised his hands

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