Ncf Level 3 Unit 1 Research Paper

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SUPPORTING TEACHING AND LEARNING IN SCHOOLS NCFE LEVEL 3 Assignment 2 Question 1a There are three broad stages of development: early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. The definitions of these stages are organised around the primary tasks of development in each stage, though the boundaries of these stages aren’t exact. Society's ideas about childhood shift over time, and research has led to new understandings of the development that takes place in each stage. Physical development – Physical changes in early childhood are accompanied by rapid changes in the child's cognitive and language development. From the moment they are born, children use all their senses 0-3 years When a child is born physical development…show more content…
They will start to use slang words that their other peers are using. By this age the child’s confidence will have grown and they will be able to communicate with adults and other people that they may not know or may not be familiar to them. Question 1b Compile a chart to demonstrate knowledge of the sequence of development from birth through to 19 years of age. (1.2) Physical development Checks (gross and fine motor) | Yes/No | | | 0-2 years | | Hold things independently | | Sit unaided | | Roll over | | Pull themselves up onto a piece of furniture/walking aid/toy | | Walk | | Feed themselves finger food and use a spoon | | | | 2 years | | Walks up and down stairs, with both feet on one step. | | Climbs on furniture | | Builds a tower of six bricks | | Uses a spoon for self-feeding | | Puts shoes on | | Draws circles and dots | | Starts to use preferred hand | | | | 3 years | | Stands and walks on tiptoe | | Can kick a ball confidently | | Jumps from low steps | | Pedals a tricycle | | Turns single pages in a book | | Can draw a face | | Builds bridges with blocks when shown |
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