Nature vs. Nurture

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GLT1 Task 3- Psychology Nature vs Nurture. Why has this become such a topic for debate? Well, because of the many meanings and understandings we have come to learn of each topic. Nature refers to traits that are inherited in an individual through genes. Nurture refers to traits that are taught or that one may have gained through experience after conception. The debate lies in deciphering whether the trait came from the nature or the nurturing aspect, or often times both. We know that genetics do have some specific roles such as a persons’ look or certain genetic disabilities that come straight from gene mutation or are passed on, but in the debate of nature vs nurture it is of those traits that are behavioral. There are two major sides to the nature vs nurture debate. Those who see personality traits as strictly hereditary and those who believe traits are learned from birth on, through experiences (McLeod, S.A. 2007). Those who believe heredity is the only cause of all personality traits and qualities a person possesses are considered to be nativists. It is believed by nativists that an individual person’s unique personality traits are because of their personalized genetic code. They believe that if someone does not possess a certain trait at birth but it appears later in life it is the cause of maturation in which a biological clock can turn on and off traits at certain times in life. They do not believe that the way someone is raised effects their personality traits and that it must be preprogramed in order to appear at all (McLeod, S.A. 2007). Environmentalists, or Empiricists, believe that when someone is born they have their physical and genetic traits but that their mind is a tabula rasa, or blank piece of paper, that can be filled and learned through life experiences. They believe that nurture and the way a child is brought up is the reason
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