Nature vs. Nurture

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Nature vs. Nurture Over the years, there has been a lot of controversy on whether or not genes that we inherit affect us and how we live, or if it is the environment that we have been raised in. There are many different reasons for why one is more correct than that other. But, all of the reasons can be backed up with very good evidence and reasoning. Personality, development, intelligence, behavior and ability to do certain things make us the individuals that we are. But what influences those things? What is Nature vs. Nurture? The Nature part of this argument is that people say that you are born with the traits you have. Meaning, whatever traits your parents have are split up some way and made a part of you when you are being conceived. The nurture part of it is that we are who we are because of the way that we are raised and the type of environment we are raised in. Also, there are some people that think that it is both Nature and Nurture that make you who you are, meaning it is a mix of both what you are born with and the traits you get from the environment you grow up in. Scientist have known for years that your hair color, eye color, body size, etc. Are determined by what you inherit from your parents. They can answer those questions, but why can’t they come up with an answer for Nature vs. Nurture? If you asked 100 different scientists about Nature vs. Nurture, they would have a different answer and they would all have very good reason as to why they are right about what they think. There have been many studies done to prove both sides of this argument are the correct answer. But with the correct answers, come the answers to prove those wrong. That’s why this will possibly be a never-ending argument. Some people like to think that both of these things affect them. Whichever one is right, no one knows. This debate has been going on for centuries,

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