Multi Store Model

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To what extent does the Multi Store Model offer a reasonable account of human memory? The Multi Store Model was designed by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968. The model proposes there are three different memory stores: sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory. Information from the environment is constantly received by the sensory memory store; most of it being irrelevant information. However if the information receives attention, it will pass on to short term memory. The information held in short term memory is in a fragile state. The information is rehearsed and the information stays since it is in the 7+-2 capacity for short term memory. By maintenance rehearsal, the information can be transferred to long term memory. In long term memory there is a much larger capacity and the duration is possibly lifelong. We can retrieve information from our long term memory during our daily lives, for example remembering what your next lesson is. The strength and validity of this model is supported by modern day methods of brain scans such as the FRMI scan. Research into this model has found that when performing a short term memory task, blood rushes to the prefrontal cortex and when performing a long term memory task, blood rushes to the hippocampus. This research was carried out by Beardsley, 1997 (STM) and Squire et al, 1992 (LTM). This research shows there must be two separate memory stores. Case studies also give valid evidence of the Multi Store Model; such as Clive Wearing. His long term memory is intact but his short term memory is extremely limited, with it only being at times a sentence long. Clive is able to play his piano and able to recognise his wife, exhibiting his long term memory. He remembers his children, remembering their teenage years but not their present life; demonstrating his good long term memory but absent short term memory. Another
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