Evaluation of the Multi-Store Model

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Murdock (1962) Murdock presented participants with a list of words at a rate of about one per second. After he showed them the words, the participants were required to recall as many of the words as they could. Murdock found that the words did not have an equal chance of being recalled and that some words, especially those that appeared first and those that came up last in the list, were better recalled than those in the middle. He called this serial position effect. The superior recall of items at the start of the list is called the primary effect, whilst the superior recall of the items at the end of the list is called the recency effect. This is good evidence for the multi-store model of memory because it shows the difference between the STM and the LTM. Rundus & Atkinson (1970) Rundus and Atkinson asked participants to rehearse out loud the list they were given (similar to Murdock's experiment). Tape recordings showed that words from the beginning of the list were more likely to be rehearsed than later ones. Because of the limited capacity of the STM, words from the middle of the list are thought to be lost completely or unavailable for recall. Case Study of K.F. - Shallice & Warrington (1970) I think that this study proves that the different parts of the multi-store model can be damaged separately because K.F's LTM was unaffected by the motorbike accident while his STM was severely damaged. Case Study of H.M. - Milner et al (1978) This study also supports the theory that the multi-store model can be affected as individual parts because while H.M's STM and LTM both worked almost normally, he lost the ability to transfer the information from the STM to the LTM, however he could recall information from the LTM to the
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