Multi-Store Model Essay

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Multi-Store Model Of Memory… In the multistore model of memory, the stores are static: they just hold information. Information is transferred between the stores by control processes; i.e., information can only enter short term memory if the person pays attention to it while it is in sensory memory (this is the control process of attention); the short duration of short term memory can be extended by the control process of maintenance rehearsal. If information is maintained in short term memory for long enough, it is recoded so that it can be stored in long term memory (see the animation of the multistore model of memory below). Sensory Memory: Holds information very briefly. Each sensory modality has its own store. Short Term Memory: Limited capacity, can only store information for a few seconds. Long Term Memory: Can store vast amounts of information (unlimited capacity?) for very long periods of time. Control Processes, such as attention and maintenance rehearsal are also an important part of the model. These control the flow of information between the stores. Sensory Memory Coding = Modality Specific (can be visual, acoustic, tactile, etc. depending on the sense being used) Capacity = Difficult to test, thought to be quite large Duration = 1-2 seconds Short Term Memory Coding = Thought to be acoustic (due to studies such as Conrad) but may depend on task Capacity = 7 ± 2 items or chunks Duration = between 15 and 30 seconds Long Term Memory Coding = Semantic Capacity = Very large Duration = A very long time, but difficult to test Evaluation of the Multistore Model Strengths of the Multistore Model One strength of the multistore model is that it could be considered high in "face validity". Face Validity concerns whether or not it is a plausible explanation (i.e., does it seem to make sense or fit with our experience). The multistore model

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