Multi-Agency Referral Forms

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Book 10 Assessment 2 Depending on the type of work setting, a number of people may be working with some of the children/young people. The people (individuals or organisations) may be part of a multi-agency team/panel – Team Around the Child (TAC) or Team Around the Young Person (TAYP). The TAC/TAYP meetings address the needs of the children and young people Assessment 3 Professionals working together to achieve the best outcome; Open sharing of relevant information; Trust; Effective communication; Acknowledging the skills, knowledge and experience of others; Maintaining a caring and professional approach; Commitment to a high quality service; Flexibility Assessment 4 Communication problems, such as specialist terminology acronyms; Lack of understanding about how…show more content…
Referrals can be initiated by practitioners, parents and carers and by the child or young person themselves. Referral forms (Multi-agency Referral Forms or Common Assessment Framework forms (CAFs) are completed and sent to the appropriate service. Assessment 11 It encourages a better understanding of the needs of a child/young person; it provides an extended opportunity for information sharing between the carer and the setting staff; some carers have skills which can be used in the setting, e.g. music, sewing, cooking; some carers, who may not share the same language or culture as others in the setting, can increase the awareness and knowledge of staff, children and young people Assessment 12 Carers should be made to feel welcome in the setting and greeted by name. Regular and informal two-way verbal communication, written routine information exchanged and kept for future reference. Formal letters, emails, newsletters to inform about events, changes in the setting etc. Parent’s meetings for them to get together, feedback on their
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