Many of Today's Drivers Have Dangerous Habits

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Many of today's drivers have dangerous habits Driving requires concentration and the ability of a driver to move from one place to another safely affects others on the road. It does not matter what time of day the person chooses to drive, he or she should take precautions at that time. One may be bored while driving long distances or be stuck long hours in a traffic jam. To avoid boredom or to save time, drivers have developed several dangerous habits including eating, putting on make-up, and talking on the cellphone. First, Eating is the most common risky habit for drivers. Some drivers start very early in the morning and do not have time to prepare breakfast. The driver may decide to stop by a fast food place such as McDonald’s or Dunkin Donuts on their way to work to save time. Other drivers such as busy parents or working adults may also eat in the car, while they drive to work or other locations. People also eat snacks and other items while they drive to pass the time on long trips. Consequently, many of these drivers get distracted very easily and they may be involved in a traffic accident. Drivers should try to organize themselves and find the time to eat at home or workplace so they can focus while they drive. Secondly, putting on make-up is another dangerous habit that can distract drivers. Women OFTEN spend a certain amount of time putting on make-up, so they have to add that extra amount of time to the time they usually use to get ready to go to work or to go to a special occasion. For instance, women should start getting ready 30 to 40 minutes before any special event as an average; otherwise, women may end up putting on make-up in the car and driving at the same time. Many of today's women drivers are professionals, so they have to dress and look a certain way every day. For example, women who are lawyers, they have

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