Example Essay on Distracted Drivers

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Distractions While Driving Driving is a privilege that demands full attention. A distracted driver is anyone who takes their eyes and mind off the road, and their hands off the steering wheel. Distractions are the most common cause of accidents. Some common distractions include talking or texting on a cell phone, changing the radio station, and driving under the influence of alcohol. Irresponsibility puts you at risk, as well as others. This can cause injury or death. Distractions can be easily avoided by not being put in the situation of being distracted. When you get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, it is the driver’s responsibility to focus on driving and the safety of others on the road. One type of distraction that is becoming a growing popularity is driving while texting or talking on a cell phone. Not only is this dangerous, but it is illegal. Most people do not even realize how much of a danger and risk you are putting yourself in and other drivers around you in. Studies show that driving performance is lowered and the level of distraction is higher for drivers. It only takes a split second to get into an accident. The safest way to avoid an accident is to turn off the phone while driving. The urge to pick up the phone while it is ringing will be avoided. It is suggested that if it is necessary to talk or text to get a hands-free device. That way you can talk but have both hands on the steering wheel. Another distraction is at high risk of accidents is changing the radio station. When doing this, you do not usually have your eyes on the road. Your surroundings may change very drastically in which you may not see a stoplight or an oncoming vehicle. This can result in an accident. To prevent yourself from becoming injured, simply pull over in a safe area or when stopped at a red light to change radio station. Lastly, and the

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