Manage a Team

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UNIT 31, UNDERSTAND HOW TO MANAGE A TEAM. 1.1 An effective team will work together, be focused and all the time supporting each other along the way, to achieve and reach goals. For a team to be effective, each team member needs to be clear on their roles and responsibilities relating to their job. Team performance will be more effective if there is respect for the leader/manager. The leader should also be aware of the skills or weakness within the team and be able to provide support were necessary and also utilise their strengths. Training and support will enable staff to improve performance, develop confidence and lift spirit within the team. A leader should encourage any conflicts to be resolved through healthy, professional confrontation and willingly and openly negotiate necessary changes. Effective leader are rather like cheerleaders for the team, they encourage and support members who are committed within the team and engage those members who aren’t participating. 1.2 Bruce Tuckman 1965, best known for his article ‘development sequence in small groups’, published in 1965, ‘Forming Storming Norming Performing’ theory helps to explain the predictable phases of team behaviour. Tuckman suggests this understanding is required in order for teams to reach maturity and deliver results. This theory, I feel, is very appropriate within my own workplace, the Forming- High dependence on the leader for guidance and direction, leader must be prepared to answer questions about the teams purpose, objectives and external relationships. Storming- Decisions don’t come easily within a group, team members vie for position and power in relation to others, conflict arrises as people open up and their ideas are challenged. Norming- Aggreement and consensus forms among the team and responsibilities are assigned and accepted. Commitment and unity is strong within the team, the

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