Lead & Manage a Team

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Unit 510 Lead and Manage a Team within a Health and Social Care or Children and Young People’s setting. 2.1 Effective teamwork is essential to the success of any business. As “no man is an island,” the positive effects of productive teamwork can energise an entire organisation, just as the negative effects of a lack of teamwork can cripple an organisation. An essential ingredient to effective teamwork is attracting and keeping the right team members. No matter how hard a group of people try to work together and create an effective team, without the right people for the job, the team will inevitably fail. There are four essential components to an effective team. 1. Positive Corporate Culture In order to recruit long-term effective team members, the corporate culture of my organisation must be positive, open, and invigorating. Potential team members will thrive in a challenging and creative work environment. Organisations with high turnover, negative attitudes, distrust, and secrecy will, at best, lose their best people and, at worst, make them a product of the destructive organisational climate. Positive corporate culture comes from the top down. Management is largely responsible for the type of culture that an organization develops. As a manager, I can help foster a good climate in several ways. First, I should always make my expectations of your team members clear. Secondly, when delegating, always empower each team member. Making sure I give the team member the authority to make and carry out decisions that are required. Furthermore, I will always support and back up the decisions made by the team member. If I disagree with their decision, instead of chastising or reprimanding, I will coach the employee and help them to understand my reasoning. 2. Give Recognition Recognition is key to an employee’s success. Team members will search out recognition from
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