How to Ride a Bike

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Character is a significant quality that is molded and il- luminated through the JROTC program. The importance of upholding military bearing is stressed by teaching cadets the importance of respect, obedience, trust, and many other character traits that are needed to live as an individual and to contribute positive benefits in society. Through insightful lessons of self discovery, the ambition to change one’s flaws and maintain successful habits for educational needs becomes one of the main goals to achieve. Prominent positions also motivate cadets to behave accordingly and confidently so they exemplify what it means to be a JROTC cadet and encourage others to emulate their behavioral ways and skills. Leadership is emphasized as the most important character trait in JROTC. Through its definitive representation of prin- ciples such as loyalty, duty, and respect, cadets are allowed to learn and demonstrate the ability to take charge and guide Photo by Ignacio “Iggy” Rubalcava Maame Bassaw, JROTC cadet, receives a certificate of excellence from Maj. (Ret.) David Schwab, senior Army instructor at Baumholder American High School, for her accom- plishments in the JROTC essay competition. a group to accomplish specific tasks. The art of patience and cooperation are key factors that are found to be essential for leadership positions in JROTC for the purpose of making sure that each subordinate is able to make a contribution to the team to achieve a goal. Learning how to distin- guish the difference between “leading” and “controlling” separates the competent leaders from the incompetent ones. The skill of taking heed to what will benefit “the group” than “oneself” is a belief that epitomizes leadership and brings success and respect from others. In the ever-changing world we live in, the JROTC program gives positives contributions to society for our youth. The need for
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