M3.33 Effective Meetings for Managers

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The purpose of an agenda - A meeting agenda is a structured outline that highlights the flow of the entire meeting process. It is a meeting framework that keeps the participants in control and focused on the subject matter or topic at hand instead of getting off the track. In other words, it provides a meaningful purpose and direction to any type of meeting. A meeting agenda has to be creative and effective in order to make the meeting a productive one. The facilitator or meeting organizer must prepare a well-constructed agenda by knowing its components and the steps in writing an effective agenda. How to prapare prior to a meeting - 1- Clarify the purpose of the meeting. If you can't figure out what you need to accomplish, you shouldn't be calling a meeting. 2 - Prepare an agenda with the focus stated in a single sentence at the top. If someone else is preparing the agenda, contact him or her to add your topics. A first-rate agenda includes not only discussion topics and their time allotments, but also the names of attendees; the location, date and time; and a list of any background material attendees need to bring with them. Circulate the agenda in advance. 3 -Make it clear that the meeting will start precisely on time. Establish a reputation as someone whose meetings begin (and end) as scheduled. People will respect you for it. 4 - Appoint someone to document a record of decisions made, action items assigned and follow-up strategies agreed upon. Promptly distribute a copy to all attendees. 5 - Leave time at the end of the agenda to evaluate the meeting: Did you achieve the objective stated at the start? How can you improve future meetings on this topic? The roles and responsibilities of the chairperson, secretary and individuals - Chairperson - Roles - Meeting Planner Meeting Coordinator Meeting Manager
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